Welcome to the Olmsted Research Guide Online (ORGO). ORGO's mission is to provide information about existing records relating to landscape design and planning work of Frederick Law Olmsted, his sons, John Charles Olmsted and Frederick Law Olmsted Junior and the design firms that bear their names.

Search Master List of Projects
To search for information about a particular Olmsted project, enter any keywords such as job name, client's name or geographic location and hit the "Search Now" button. Most helpful is the historic job number WHICH MUST BE ENTERED AS A FIVE-DIGIT NUMBER (for example, job number 918, would be entered 00918). What is the JOB NUMBER? More complex searches can be done by clicking the "Advanced Master List Search" link.

[Advanced Master List Search] [Search Hints]

Search Archival Records
To search for information about historical records relating to Olmsted projects, enter any keywords into the box below. Again, most helpful is the historic job number WHICH MUST BE ENTERED AS A FIVE-DIGIT NUMBER (for example, job number 918, would be entered 00918). What is the JOB NUMBER? More complex searches for archival documents can be done by clicking the "Advanced Archival Search" link.

[Advanced Archival Search] [Search Hints]

ORGO was developed by the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site and the National Association for Olmsted Parks and initially funded by the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training. For their assistance, we are grateful to the Papers of Frederick Law Olmsted Project and the staffs of the Library of Congress Manuscript Reading Room and Re:discovery Software.

ORGO is a partnership project of the National Association for Olmsted Parks and the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site with initial funding from the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training.
Please direct any inquiries about the project to: frla_orgo@nps.gov.