C.C.G.S. Membership Categories.
MEMBER ($20.00) Participate in monthly gatherings, receive monthly
mailings and announcements.
ASSOCIATE MEMBER ($35.00-$500.00) Partial funding for CCGS member
concerts and our monthly gatherings.
CONTRIBUTOR ($500.00-$1000.00) Partial funding for CCGS concert
production costs. CCGS will provide free admittance to all concert events.
SPONSOR ($1500.00-$3500.00) Partial funding for guest artist fees. CCGS
will dedicate an evening of music to your local organization.
All categories of giving receive mailings, announcements and discount tickets to
all concerts. We have no paid officers and all donations are used for direct
C.C.G.S. expenses and materials related to the Society's acitivites.
How do I Join?
You can send e-mail messages to Dave Edwards,
call him at (434) 973-0114, or fax to (434) 975-3935. To become a sponsor,
contributor or associate member, call or write to Dave Edwards, c/o
Charlottesville Classical Guitar Society, 1074 Simmons Gap Road, Dyke, VA 22935. We look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming CCGS events.